Tools Menu

The following options are available in the Tools menu. Note that some of them may be missing, depending on which tool is currently open.

  • Replace Variables: (Only in PetroVR Econ and Globals.) Replace all references to a variable with another. See further in Edit Menu (PetroVR Econ).
  • Excel CasesExcel Cases: (Only in Plan and Econ.) Quickly define cases from a single base project using one or more Excel Input variables modified by giving incremental values to an Excel cell. See further in Excel Cases.
  • Catalogs: Access the various PetroVR Catalogs.
  • UnitsUnits: Open the Unit Setup dialog.
  • Open Results FileOpen Results File: Open and view saved project results (.rlt file) or sensitivity results (.sns files). The results will be displayed in a normal Results WindowResults Window. You can also open .rlt files directly from the Windows Explorer by double-clicking them.
  • View Simulation Log: Open the Simulation Log. Only available after the model has been simulated, when the Simulation Log has been enabled in the Preferences Tab.
  • Changes: Open the various tools for managing changes. See further in The Change System .
    • Browse Unsaved Changes Browse Unsaved Changes: View all changes made since the project was last saved. See further in Browse Unsaved Changes.
    • Browse Saved Changes Browse Saved Changes: View all changes made since the project was created until it was last saved. See further in Browse Saved Changes.
    • Browse Changes from File Browse Changes from File: Open and view any saved project change set (.ch file). See further in Browse Changes from File. Drag-and-dropping change sets from the Windows Explorer to the Plan window will also open said files.
    • Bulk Load from Changes File: Directly load all changes from a changes file. Use this option to quickly load large amounts of changes skipping the select-and-apply process.
    • Browse Recovery Log Browse Recovery Log: Display and work with your entire change history since PetroVR was first installed. See further in Browse Recovery Log.
    • Change User Change User: Enter a new user name that will be used in the The Change System .
    • Revert to <Windows user name>: Revert the user name to the default Windows user name (only visible if the current name is different).
  • OptionsOptions: Choose display, autosave and font settings; see further in Options (Tools menu).
  • Borrow LicensesBorrow Licenses: Open the Borrow Licenses window.
  • Data Import / Export: Access the wizards and dialogs for importing external data into PetroVR or exporting to various formats. See further in Data Import / Export.